Reading Cinemas Waurn Ponds

For session times:

Reading Cinemas Waurn Ponds is an 8 screen cinema complex featuring wall to wall screens, digital sound, Dolby Digital 3D projection, stadium seating, luxury armchair comfort, first-release movies in 2D and Dolby Digital 3D and value-packed candy bar deals.

Waurn Ponds now boasts a TITAN XC Extreme Cinema featuring Australia's first Dolby® Atmos™ full 360º immersive sound system.
Reading Cinemas Waurn Ponds offers discounted ticket prices for groups of 100 or more, and is a perfect venue when planning your next corporate or private function, offering an array of services to suit your needs.

We look forward to seeing you at Reading Cinemas Waurn Ponds!

For more information and our latest session times:

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Movie theater